Friday, October 24, 2008

Thoughts for the day!

I was preparing this week for Friday morning women's group at church and the plan was hot salsa and hot topics - so I did some searching and reading and found some great ideas to discuss. We all needed a safe place to discuss our thoughts and views and not be nervous about sharing it. A great article I found was "Red, Right & Blue" found at This got me thinking and I loved their questions and copied some of them and made my own

Do you think women make choices politically different than men?
Have any of you experienced tensions with friends whose political beliefs differ drastically from yours?
Do you rely on media for information? Why or why not?
How should faith and politics connect?
Do you worry about these issues? This gave me the idea to make sure we all left with a Godly perspective and reminder that God is in control. I found great ideas and bible verses on about what scripture says and how important it is to pray and not worry.
How do you feel about the words "spirituality" and the word "religion"?
What do you think about good luck?
Great article at Today's Christian Woman called "The Truth about Spirituality"
I want to answer some of these questions in my posts and also see what others think so if I can get others to read my blog lets see what we can learn from each other.

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