Wednesday, January 7, 2009

time with God

I've been trying to consistently spend quality time with God and Wow does it make a difference in my attitude with my family and life in general. I know this to be true but as it happens to me again this time I am overwhelmed by God's grace.

My friend Vicki gave me "30 Days to Greater Praise" a long time ago and God has brought it to my attention recently - honestly I started it this fall and I am only on Day 12 so not doing it in 30 days. Today I memorized the verse

Psalms 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

I was then asked to meditate on this for 5 minutes - I am not one to sit still or meditate easily so it was challenging for me. The parts of the verse that stood out to me were "be still", "know" and "I will be". Its hard to be still and I never realized that it was a way to praise God, I have a long way to go to develop this but will continue to work on it. KNOW - I need to not wonder, think, feel, question, pretend, hesitate or procrastinate but KNOW that He is God - such a strong, powerful word. God is confident and sure "I will be exalted" and I need to be confident and sure in my relationship with Him.

Have you ever tried being still? Do you find time to praise God? Is consistency in time with God easy or hard for you?

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