I have had a series of opportunities lately to learn and grow in my understanding of G-d, conscious language, thought, communication, dreams, connection, friendship and more. It never seems to come from one place when G-d decides to guide and challenge me, usually everywhere I look! I've always found in my walk that I don't get to experience a lot of naiveness but always fully aware and challenged. I will admit that half the time I'm good with it and the other half I'm stubborn, irritated, not willing and try to ignore G-d and all the "awareness" He is giving me.
My big learning recently was the words I use such as I want, I hope, maybe, I want to have and upgrading to I can, I am, I will, I choose, I have, I love, I create, I enjoy.
Did you know we actually speak from our heart? So what I'm learning is that I can't just say these words, I have to say them with my heart and believe them. This quote really connected the dots for me "Your greatest weakness shall be your greatest strength! I would not say something I didn't believe in. Believe means Be Alive!" Bob Stevens
I choose to allow myself to agree and love my words, not fix them. I choose to not coach others words and let them discover in their own way and time. I am renaming my world and reversing my patterns as I realize those words impacted my heart and thoughts. Heart already has pure speech I heard recently and that I give what I will receive. I can use language that will bless others and myself.
The other opportunity that has connected more dots for me in this area is beginning to read the Torah the last three weeks. I did not realize I could gain so much from Deuteronomy and have always skimmed it or avoided it. My takeaway from last week was Deuteronomy 25:15 "A perfect and honest weight shall you have, a perfect and honest measure shall you have, so that your days shall be lengthened on the Land that HASHEM, your G-d gives you." I pictured my words as my weight and measure and G-d abhors dishonesty. My word is my authority and what is new and different for me is that I dream and speak of my dreams.
I have also been reading the book "Good to Great in G-d's Eyes" by Chip Ingram and just finished the chapter Dream Great Dreams. I never have coincidence always lots and lots of "awareness"! G-d speaks loud and clear to me when I choose to listen. My takeaway from this chapter was Write it down, Read over my dreams regularly, Pray over them and Watch for G-d's intervention. A quote from the book I want to share is this "To dream of doing great things for G-d's glory is a biblical goal, and being able to articulate the result we want to see keeps us focused on our priorities and helps us perceive through obstacles and difficulties." Chip Ingram
So this week has been super amazing and also full of a crazy amount of deep thoughts, readjusting my mind, crazy dreaming, moods and overall the beginning of a new upgrade in my heart, words and mind. Today I chose to fail miserably and wallow in I'm tired and I can't do it and the world is against me until my best friend and husband reminded me to just stop and be and not get ahead of myself or off course. He is inspired, encouraged and also attracted to this new "Christie" language. Putting all of this into words has been so helpful and brought so much of it together. I will share more of my dreams in this blog and my journey to create and enjoy the life He has given me.
Feel free to ask questions and I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts on this reflection question from the Good to Great book.
How can you tell the difference between a self-inspired dream and a G-d-given one? What would happen to each kind if you brought it to the cross?
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